Hey peeps(:
would not be posting for a long period of time so ya
tc people n hav a gd day ahead!!

Halo jus posting some pics
so here they are:
more to go i guess..next time
Hey peeps..sori for not posting for a long time..
well yea im now at skool..nth to do kan
so blog ah
im still nt sure if i shud forgive them..
they are the ppl who know only how to talk behind ppls back..
tk hapi le ckp face to face kan..tk yah nk gosip ke ape
well yea..i noe its abt me n him..
so wat if we fought or wat..its our own probs..n jgn main salahkan org sembarang ah
tk tau the fact main hembus je..
i noe if i dont forgive them its a sin..
bt why must they did this to me..
muka semua lawa2 hansem2 tap hati hitam
sori to sae tat..bt that is the fact to whom gosip or menfitnah org..
i respect them as someone older thn me..bt then..
haiz tknk ckp sal drg lag ah..biarkan drg j..
hanya tuhan je yg tahu..
ps: nt sure if i still like him..