I was tagged by zarifah
here it it:
1) Besides lips,where is your favourite spot to get kiss?
2)How do you feel when you wake up in this morning
-Don't feel like going to school,feeling tired at the same time
3)Who was the last person you took photo with?
-rukhsana,zakiki,izzat and my adik(amir)
4)would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
5)Would you ever donate blood?
-in the future,maybe
6)Have you ever had a bestfriend who was the same opposite sex?
Yup of course
7)Do you want someone dead?
i guess no
8) What does the last message says?
-"Hey Farah... Cn u cl me..pls,pls,pls..
9)What are you thinking right now?
-are there any homework left undone?
10)Do you wish someone with you right now?
11)What time did you went to bed last night?
12)Where did you buy the T-shirt that you're waering right now
-i have no idea,my mum bought it for me
13)is someone in your mind?
-erm ya kind of
14)Who was the last person who texted you?
-Irfan audi
15)10 people
Hello there,
Today school was great. It was really slack,and yea we got to eat donut and pie!!!
Donut Dunkin and Pie Kia!! haha. Thanks to the Trybe!! wee~
After school went to ncc room to discuss about ORD and training schedule
and yea it was fun with my platoonmates around me
and also i wanna say sorry to sharifah that we/i didnt wait for her cause if not she would be the one who usually would wait for us despite her going home late.
ok,I'm still sick and hurt..
To someone..this is for u..
I'm really sorry that i've hurt u in some ways.I really do feel guilty. I cant stop blaming myself.
Also without u knowing,when Im talking to you on the phone just now,i'm actually holding back my tears,coz i do nt want u to knw that i'm crying. If only u understand it..But i dont think u do as u could not even accept it. I really do need a time out. And yea in the end we chat as i someone else is using the house phone also coz u wanna knw the reason why i'm doing this to you. This is really crazy..i cant stop crying about it..it really do hurts me knowing that u cant accept and u blaming me..I'm scared if tmr when i see you,tears would start to flow..
I cnt take it anymore,if only theres chocolate for me to eat..haiz
I'm sorry once again..

Oh hello again.
Just wana wish
A Happy Birthday to Abdul Hakeem!! HAppy 15th birthday
You're old,haha. may u pass with flying colours
Okay hello people(:
right now I'm alone at home and yea having bad running nose. Oh my,it is so irritating.
haiz..I'm bored. The rest went out to eat dinner:(
Last Thursday 14/05/09
I had C.S paper,It was a very long paper i guess. And yea a difficult one too.
After paper head to canteen. I thought they had confirm about going to Bugis since we exams are over,but in the end only Hashimah,Atiq,moyang,Lylie,and Hayati I think went.
Left me,Aza,Rukhsana,wanie,Sharifah. In the end i follow sharifah to meet her Npcc friend and by books( HALO) haha. While walking around Tampines Mall, we met many friends of ours. Also we met Amaline.I,Istiqa,Effah,Khadijah and Hidayah. We followed them and had a hilarious laugh with them especially Effah and Istiqa. Sharifah and i wnet to meet Yu Ning before heading back to school. Talk and talk in bus with sharifah and ya i was such a blur sotong,haha.
Okay inthe end we met Aza,rukh,wanie and master Linda at blue sea cause they were also going to eat at the Mamak shop. We ate,laugh,and joke. Rukhsana even did her "fantastic' laugh. She is such a darling haha. OKay blablablabla. LOl. We plan to go for a jog and yeah sharifah is following too!! but wanie cannot. Nevermind theres always a next time right. Aza,rukh,sharifah and i tokk pictures and in the end we jog 1 round only at stadium. Haha pathetic right. Head to sunplaza park and wait for master linda. while waiting we played swing haha and even met a 'kangaroo' kitty. It is so cute. tokk pictures and then we lepak at liabrary as master want to lepak with sgt khaliesah and friends afterwards. Miss sgt a lot sey. And yeah took pictures again and went home. When i got home,i got scolded from dad as i went home late, and got last warning from him..haiz..
So far that day was sush a wonderful!! Loves you guys!!
okay yesterday 16/05/09
Woke up early in the morning and pray. After that thought of going for a jog,and yea went alone since no one want to go and some were even sleeping. 7.00 am so more. Yesterday zaki msg me abt going for a jog at 645 am in the end i woke up late,so ya,i went alone. jog 2 rounds around the stadium,abt 5 rounds the park. It was fun as i could even enjoy the nature..lol
Got home around 9 plus and text zaki and zarifah if they wana play badminton coz I'm like dead bored. In the end went to gym with Amalina.I and family except for her bro. Her dad fetch us and headed to the destinations. Did the track mill,and many other stuff. It was so tiring. We even dance as there were only us and a guy so we entertain ourselve by dancing. Also theres a radio so we switch on various of songs,as we could pick any CDs there. pictures again.wana knw more go to zarifah's blog.
k in the afternoon i continue jogging with zaki,izzat,rukhsana and my younger bro tag along. Had fun with them and ate 'Aish Cream" haha.took pictures again and play playgrounds haha
Overall the whole day i had fun whether I'm alone or not. Exercise are fun haha
so ya i got to stop now since the flu is getting worse..haiz
take care people
Happy Birthday Bro Sharul!!!
will upload your picture soon kk
Hope you pass with flying colours!!

Hey There
Just want to Wish Happy Belated Birthday To My wonderful Friend Ever
Dania Syazana!!
hah da tua la orang tu.
Belajar rajin rajin ye semoga kamu lulus dalam peperiksaan dengan markah yang cemerlang. Amin.
Hey There
Just want to Wish Happy Belated Birthday To My wonderful Friend Ever
Dania Syazana!!