Hey yo,
Today was such a boring day. Hidayah was m.c from school and I felt lonely sitting far most behind..oh and get well soon my dear friends; Hidayah,Amal,Hilmi,Amira,Joshua,Syarafuddin,Oliver
The only fun period was when i ate during MT lesson and P.C I get hungry easily so i would usually brought food with me to school.
After school went to meet tuition teacher and talked with him for a while and then went home straight since theres loads of things to be done.
Well I really hope that my friends are coming back tomorrow. Since Common Test 2 are around the corner which is 3 weeks from now. I won't be posting much, so take care everyone.

Hello again! I would Like to wish this wonderful friend of mine A Happy Birthday! You have been kind to me and i would not forget ur kindness. Also I would like to apologise if I had done anything wrong or hurt you in someways. Stay cheerful and sweet always!
tc and Love you!
oh by the way,May peace be upon you.
Today was kind of AWESOME!
Okay early in the morning,on the way to school,it was raning drizzly.So I had to quicken my pace so as to not to be drenched when it starts to rain heavily. In the end i was drenched from head to toe. Haha,at least I had fun playing in the rain.Today theres eclispe,but we can't see it in Singapore,too bad for us, but still I do not want to see it anyway,it really freaks me out.
During Computer studies lesson,as usual surf the net but at the same time doing the work given.The superior gender haha! During recess I ate the food that i brought from home and it was tasty. Thanks mum!
oh and today theres maths test and I did it in just 15 mins and went to sleep as I was too tired. The rest of the period was so rush so nothing much to say.
After school,wanie,shimah and I help amal with her no3 uniform and we hid in the toilet so that we will not be chased out from school by Mr wong! After saying goodbye to Amal,the three of us head to Tampines Library and i started to make nuisance. Wanie and I were like in our own worlds and acting like mad people.
Everytime we're in the library the first thing we will do is going to the toilet. Daily routine haha
Met the rest and start doing our own things.
As I was reading a magazine,The Muslim Reader,I started dozed off. haha i tried to keep myself awake till I can't stand it any longer,lay on to my bag and have nap. I'm not sure if it was a long nap but thank god when i woke up,my friends are still there doing their work.
I feel fresh again so i continued reaing the magazine but this time its Fitness.haha
thought of being exercising after that but I changed my mind and just head home and now I'm busily blogging.
Oh Man! I totally fogot that Tomorrows' theres 2 test,physics and chem. wah die already.
hmm k till here folks!
Hey there!!!
currently I'm doing my homework,chatting and blogging, 3 things a the same time.
Chatting with zakiki.hazwan,aliff,sulaiman and dayah.
And I'm chatting nonsense with zaki. k actually not that nonsense la.aiyo kk enough
hmm miss lepak-king with many of my frens. haiz
hmm gtg need to finish up my work tc
Hello People!!
I know its been AGES since
i've updated this dead blog.
Hmm currently doing C.S homework(cam
Seriously i am rotting at home. All I've been doing is eat,eat,listening to music and sleep.
Haha pathetic right. But still I only grow by 1 cm and did not gain any weight..if only I'm 160 cm..
hahI have nothing much to tell except this few days has been a hard time for me. Family problems here and there..how am i supposed to concentrate on my studies.
At times i really wish to stop schooling,but when i think back,what will happen to my future if i
dont have any education.
I would like to grow up fast,make my own living. I can't tolerate any more nonsense at home. My brain is about to explode. If only I knew hot to let go of all the feelings that had been buried for long. Its really painful.
Last Tuesday,something bad happened to me. This incident really broke my heart.
Early in the morning,i felt weak and thought of not coming to school,but i do not want to miss any lessons. Around 7.45 am,the whole school have to take their temperature and i was shocked that my body temperature was high,38.4 deg
cels. Retook again and the temp drop to 38.3. So went to infantry B and had a mask put on and temperature had to be taken again. so far I've taken 4 times. Called my dad and got a permission to go home on my own. I walked all the way to home and was so exhausted. Change clothes,
switch on television and went to sleep. I had a really good rest. On the evening,i didn't eat dinner as i have no appetite,so tag along with my mother and brother to
Tampines mall as the wanted to buy new phone. It was a long queue. I was so Jealous that my brother got a new phone ,
haiz maybe nest time will be my turn. okay,went home at 11pm,and got to know that my dad was not in a good mood. I went straight to the bathroom and take
wudhuk. went o my room to pray and suddenly my dad enter and scolded both my sister and I. He ordered us to surrender our phone to
home and put it at the living room.
While he was counting to 3,i quickly took out my
sim card and surrender my phone. and the conversation start:
kau kasi handphone kau semua letak kat luar!
Farah nya hp yang
lagi satu ayah
da pecahkan pe yang
fatin pakai tu.( i think
i'd raised my voice)
My dad got mad and took my phone with him
Dad: oh
kau tinggi kan suara ye!
he came to me and
hit me..
my head hit the wall and he slapped me. I was crying badly and covering my head and face.
And something happen that my head hit real hard on the wall,but luckily i get only a bump.
sakit la
bodoh! ( i really
didnt mean it to say those harsh words to him..i was so hurt,so in pain and all those words just blurted out.)
i move backwards and he cam closer and
hit me again.serve me right for talking back..
my mum tried to stop it but end up she got the scoldings f
rom him.
afterwards i went to pray but I
can't stop sobbing. E
verytime i heard his voice i would start to cry.
after praying my
dad came in the room and scolded my younger sis for telling lies,
cause of her my
phone got smash,she got beaten too but not as bad.
i covered my ear really hard as i do not want to hear his voice.I kept on crying,i know i should be strong,but all this hitting and scolding really
pressurised me.
didnt have a good night sleep but still have to head to school..at times i feel pain in my head,but its only for a while. Glad that it was just a bump..
till now i had a hard time to even talk to him. it really do hurt me a lot,but still i have to move on as i still have a future ahead me.
that's all i can post for now.
Take care